A lasting memorial for those lost at sea
Over the centuries, in peace and war, men, women and children who have lost their lives to the sea, whether in ships, aircraft or shoreline tragedies, have often had no grave or permanent memorial of their passing.
The Remembrance Book for Those Lost at Sea with No Known Grave was established by the Maritime Foundation in 1987 to provide a lasting memorial – a focus of remembrance for relatives and friends.
If you have a relative or friend who has died in such circumstances, however long ago, and you would like his or her name to be entered in the Remembrance Book, please Make an Entry.
On Public Display
The Remembrance Book, which is kept at All Hallows by the Tower, in the City of London, records the names and, where possible, the circumstances of the deaths, of people lost at sea with no known grave, irrespective of creed or nationality.
A Service of Remembrance is held each October at All Hallows, for families and friends.
Online Memorial
Entries in the Remembrance Book are accompanied by an online entry on our publicly accessible Lost At Sea website.
The information set out in the Memorial Book will be the basis for the online entry, which can include a longer description as well as images and documents relating to the particular circumstances of loss and any historical context.